today we started to put up a truss roof, so first we went to the class to plan how we were going to do this. after organizing our self into two groups we began to construct the roof. we first started with the plate then marked out were truss were going to go. the first truss we put up was the truncated truss (below is a picture of a truncated truss).

The following truss was the jack truss which is placed in the center of the truncated truss that may have a tail on it for eves after the jack truss is in position we placed our hip trusses on making sure the tops of the hips and jack line flush with each other. Then we proceeded to put all infills/creeper trusses in place. We repeated all these steps on the opposite side.

When both sides were completed we made a start on our Standard trusses, first erecting the two end ones, after leveling both trusses we put two screws on the top of each truss and stretched a string ling across them, we did this to act like a ridge and get the rest of the standard trusses centralized. six of the standard trusses with tails on them were triple griped to the plate and three of the trusses with dumps where boot bracketed to the truncated truss.

I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. 150mm fascia board